This README document provides details for the data file of the project “Technology for Dementia Care: What Would Good Technology Look Like and Do, from Carers’ Perspectives?”.
Details of the data file:NTT Dataset.xlsxResponse_Number – Participant ID.
Carer_Category – Unpaid (code=1) or Paid (code=2) carer.
Carer_Experience – The nature of the carer’s experience with dementia care(Code: 2= I have a family member/friend living with dementia; 3= I used to have a family member/friend living with dementia; 4= I care for a family member/friend living with dementia; 5= I am a professional carer or healthcare worker working with people living with dementia; 6= I used to be a professional carer or healthcare worker working with people living with dementia).
Age_Carer – The age of the carerCarer_Rel – The carer’s relationship to the person/s with dementia (PWD) e.g., nurse, adult child, granddaughter, niece, pastoral care worker, physiotherapist, friend etc)
Gender_Carer – The gender of the carer (1=female; 2=male).
PWD_issue1 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking what are 3 issues or difficulties that impact the most on the lives of people with dementia. (1st identified issue)(Codes: 1=Participating in meaningful acivities; 2=Managing finances and making decisions; 3=Engaging socially; 4=Mobility/transport; 5=Activities of daily living/wayfinding/orientation; 6=Difficulty accessing services; 7=Impact on carers; 8=Stigmaattached to dementia; 9=Psychological impact and symptoms of PWD
PWD_issue2 – As above (2nd identified issue).
PWD_issue3 – As above (3rd identified issue).Carer_issue1 –Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking what are the three issues or difficulties that impact the most on the lives of dementia caregivers (1st identified issue)(Code: 1= Economic/Financial, 2= Psychological, 3 = Physical, 4 =Systems/Services; 5 = Caring/Knowledge and Education – Note: Codes 2 and 3 were collapsed into ‘Psychological and Health’Carer_issue2 –As above (2nd identified issue)Carer_issue3 –As above (3rd identified issue)
Carer_Solutions1 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used smart home technology as a support to help care for a person with dementia(Code: 1 = Never and not interested; 2 = Not used but interested; 3 = Used but discontinued; 4 = Currently Used)
Carer_Solutions2 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used non-technological reminders as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions3 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used technological mementos as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions4 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used wearable technologies as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions5 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used social technologies as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions6 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used technological reminders as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions7 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used non-technological mementos as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Carer_Solutions8 – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking if they have used non-technological social tools as a support to help care for a person with dementia
Perceived_Tech_Uses – Carers' free responses (coded) to a question asking how assistive technology might be helpful to a caregiver(Code:0 = Not Helpful; 1 = ADLs/Independence; 2 = Safety/Monitoring, 3 = Leisure/Entertainment; 4 = Social Engagement; 5 = Reduce Carer Burden)
Perceived_Tech_Barriers – Carers’ free responses (coded) to a question asking what might be hard about using technology for people living with dementia)(Code: 1 = Don't know how to use, can't learn, too many steps; 2 = Causes anxiety, confusion; 3 = Deaf/blind; 4 = Need more, real interactions; 5 = Challenge independence; 6 =Can't troubleshoot; 7 = Trouble holding, touching, size)
Date made available | 5 May 2023 |
Publisher | osf |