This data set is composed of eight files in format csv. These data correspond to the meteorological (daily values) and hydrological (precipitation, soil water content, understorey evapotranpsiration, depth of the water table, interception and canopy transpiration) variables collected at the EucFACE site, from inside the rings. The study period comprises pre-treatment measurements, the CO2 ramp up period and the first 18 months of full elevated CO2 treatment. The start and end dates of all these files do not necessary match. See the associated 'readMe' file for further details. Further information regarding file contents: There are eight files included in this package: 1) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_meteo.csv 2) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_vwc_np.csv 3) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_stemflow.csv 4) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_interception.csv 5) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_sapflow.csv 6) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_underET.csv 7) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_waterTableDepth.csv 8) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_soilVars.csv These files contain all the data included in this publication: Title: Elevated CO2 did not affect the hydrological balance of a mature native Eucalyptus woodland Authors list: Teresa E. Gimeno, Tim R. McVicar, Anthony P. O’Grady, David T. Tissue and David S. Ellsworth Accepted for publication in Global Change Biology on the 12 March 2018 Corresponding author: Teresa E. Gimeno (
[email protected],
[email protected]). Even if these data are public, please consider contacting the corresponding author if you are planning to work with them. File description: 1) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_meteo.csv This file contains mean (of the six rings, unless stated otherwise) daily meteorological measurements from the EucFACE experimental site from 1 September 2012 to 1 September 2014. This file contains the following variables: Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) Tmean_C: numerical variable, mean daily temperature in °C Tmax_C: numerical variable, maximum daily temperature in °C Tmin_C: numerical variable, minimum daily temperature in °C RH_percent: numerical variable, mean daily relative humidity in % PAR_mol_day.1: numerical variable, total daily incoming photosynthetic photon flux density in mol/day NetRad_mm_day.1: numerical variable, total net radiation in mm/day VPD_kPa: numerical variable, mean daily vapour pressure deficit in kPa (see equations 14-24, 7-2 and 7-1 in the LICOR 6400 manual) VPDz_kPa: numerical variable, day-length normalized mean vapour pressure deficit in kPa (see Tor-ngren et al. 2015 New Phytologist 205:518) P_kPa: numerical variable, mean daily atmospheric pressure in kPa (only one sensor for the whole EucFACE site) rain_mm_day.1: numerical variable, numerical variable, total daily incoming precipitation (mean of gauges on top of the towers of rings 1, 3 and 4) in mm/day WS_m_s.1: numerical variable, mean (anemometers only on rings 1, 4 and 5) daily wind speed in m/s Gust_m_s.1: numerical variable, daily maximum (anemometers only on rings 1, 4 and 5) gust speed in m/s Ep_mm_s.1: numerical variable, total daily potential evapotranspiration (see Eq. 1 in associated paper: Gimeno et al. 2018, GCB) 2) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_vwc_np.csv This file contains the mean (of the two access tubes per ring) volumetric water content measured at different dates and depths inside the EucFACE rings with the neutron probe. See the material and methods and supplementary material of the associated publication (Gimeno et al. 2018 GCB) from the 30 April 2012 to the 10 December 2014. This file contains the following variables: Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) Ring: factor variable with six levels, indicates the EucFACE study ring CO2: factor variable with two levels indicating the CO2 treatment (A: ambient, E: elevated) Up.depth: numerical variable, measurement depth in cm vwc: numerical variable, soil volumetric water content in % 3) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_stemflow.csv This file contains information on the volume of stem flow collected with the custom built gutters installed on trees adjacent to the EucFACE rings from the 28 September 2012 to the 5 November 2014. See Material and Methods section on the associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables: Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) rainEventID: integrer, unique identifier for each precipitation event within this time series. See methods on the associated paper for a definition of what is a precipitation event quantity: numerical variable, cumulative precipitation of each precipitation event in mm duration: numerical variable, duration of each precipitation event in hours. intensity: numerical variable, intensity of each precipitation event in mm/h Tree: factor variable, individual tree identifier DBH: numerical variable, tree diameter in cm at 1.3 m height in September 2012 stfVol: numerical variable, volume of water in mm/event collected by each tree on each precipitation event 4) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_interception.csv This file contains the calculated amount of water lost via canopy interception per precipitation event, after taking into account the estimated contribution of stemflow. See methods on associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables. Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) rainEventID: integrer, unique identifier for each precipitation event within this time series. See methods on the associated paper for a definition of what is a precipitation event quantity: numerical variable, cumulative precipitation of each precipitation event in mm duration: numerical variable, duration of each precipitation event in hours. intensity: numerical variable, intensity of each precipitation event in mm/h Ring: factor variable with six levels, indicates the EucFACE study ring CO2: factor variable with two levels indicating the CO2 treatment (A: ambient, E: elevated) Ei: numerical variables, amount of water lost via canopy interception per precipitation event, after taking into account the estimated contribution of stemflow in mm/event 5) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_sapflow.csv This file contains estimated daily tree transpiration volume for each EucFACE ring, mean and maximum daily sap-flow velocities. See methods on associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables. Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) Ring: factor variable with six levels, indicates the EucFACE study ring CO2: factor variable with two levels indicating the CO2 treatment (A: ambient, E: elevated) volRing: numerical variable, tree transpiration per ring in mm/day or L/(m2 x day) svMean: numerical variable, mean (of 3 or four trees per ring) daily sapflow velocity in cm/h svMax: numerical variable, daily maximum mean (of 3 or 4 trees per ring) saplfow velocity in cm/h 6) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_underET.csv This file contains estimated daily understorey evapotranspiration for each EucFACE ring. Understorey evapotranspiration was estimated with two methods: by calculating the difference in upper (5 cm) soil moisture and from overall site evapotranspiration. See methods on associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables. Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) Ring: factor variable with six levels, indicates the EucFACE study ring CO2: factor variable with two levels indicating the CO2 treatment (A: ambient, E: elevated) wuTP: numerical variable, understrorey evapotranspiration in mm/day estimated from changes in upper soil moisture EfloorPred: numerical variable, understrorey evapotranspiration in mm/day estimated from the nonlinear correlation with site potential evapotranspiration 7) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_waterTableDepth.csv This file contains information on the distance between the soil surface of the water table from the 10 July 2013 to the 11 November 2014. See methods on associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables. Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) wtMean: numerical variable, depth of the water table in m 8) Gimeno_wb_EucFACE_soilVars.csv This file contains mean and standard error of daily soil volumetric water content measured with eight (per ring) TDR probes installed at 30 cm depth and soil temperature measured at 5 cm depth. See methods on associated publication for further details. This file contains the following variables. Date: date variable (format yyyy-mm-dd) Ring: factor variable with six levels, indicates the EucFACE study ring CO2: factor variable with two levels indicating the CO2 treatment (A: ambient, E: elevated) vwcMean: numerical variable, mean (of eight probes per ring) daily soil volumetric water content at 30 cm depth vwcSE: numerical variable, standard error (of eight probes per ring) daily soil volumetric water content at 30 cm depth tempMean: numerical variable, mean (of two probes) daily soil temperature measured at 5 cm depth