First year Western Sydney University medical student perceptions and readiness for physical activity counselling



This dataset comprises responses from a brief survey on levels and perceptions of physical activity, and attitudes and preparedness for physical activity counselling. A total of 78 first year medical students completed the survey in July 2016 during a problem-based learning (PBL) tutorial, a compulsory unit for all medical students.

The 25 question survey included demographic questions (age and sex), short answer questions relating to the individual’s own physical activity habits and Likert scale questions, where students rated their agreement with a number of statements related to physical activity behaviours, perceptions, and purpose. Participants also responded to Likert scale questions relating to their confidence and preparedness for counselling. This survey, which formed part of a larger study examining stress and physical activity levels in university students, was approved by the Western Sydney University Human Research Ethics Committee (approval number H10384).

To discuss the data contact Emma George [email protected] ORCID 0000-0001-9936-1911
Date made available21 Sept 2017
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production1 Jul 2016 - 31 Jul 2016

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