Interview data from a project investigating information literacy (IL) and employability skills in the workplace for employers and business graduates in greater western Sydney

  • Paul Jewell (Creator)
  • Judy Reading (Creator)
  • Louise Kippist (Creator)
  • Melissa Donald (Creator)



This dataset contains audio and transcript of interviews held with employers and recent graduates in greater western Sydney (GWS).

The research project gathered people's experiences of information literacy skills in the workplace. It included 24 interviews; with individuals who have experience of supervising recent graduates within the workplace in GWS, and with employees who have either graduated recently from Western Sydney University or current students with recent and relevant professional experience.

Four (4) interview transcripts are available as open access data, licensed for re-use with attribution. The remaining interview data is not deidentified and therefore is not able to be shared due to ethical constraints. The related publications also provide insight into some of the other interview material not made available here.
Date made available21 May 2017
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production1 Oct 2015 - 30 Nov 2016

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