Interview Data from the project titled "Differentiated Self and Integrated Self in Improvisational Music Therapy on an Individual-Communal Continuum"



These are the interview data of the 4 key informants, who are experienced and internationally renowned music therapists, for the research project. The informants were interviewed by the researcher regarding their observation of their music therapy experience in individual, group, and community settings. It is a semi-structured interview focusing on the discussion about the client’s sense of self, especially differentiated-self and integrated-self.
Date made available27 Sept 2022
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production4 Jul 2017 - 8 Jul 2017
Geographical coverageTsukuba International Congress Center 2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0032, Japan

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