Making Canterbury-Bankstown a dementia-friendly community



Older members of the South Western Sydney community called for the region to be more dementia-friendly. To address this, Canterbury-Bankstown Council formed a Dementia Alliance with Western Sydney University researchers, and people who have dementia. This alliance will empower people with dementia, and their informal caregivers, to identify strategies that will support ageing in place. This particular project will engage with the diverse community of Canterbury-Bankstown to understand how dementia is perceived, and deliver educational workshops to the local community and businesses to increase awareness about dementia. The survey questionnaire contains 49-items and is based on the dementia attitudes and beliefs survey implemented in a previous Australian study of a dementia-friendly community.
Date made available24 Jan 2024
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Temporal coverage1 Sept 2021 - 30 Oct 2022
Date of data production1 Sept 2021 - 30 Oct 2022
Geospatial polygon151.02549,-33.861195 150.977095,-33.891409 150.988991,-33.981891 151.146191,-33.915247 151.02549,-33.861195

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