Mapping Print, Charting Enlightenment dataset



The project has compiled its data by consulting and interpreting a wide variety of sources in public archives (notably the French national library [BNF]), bibliographic data sources, publicly available authority files and library catalogues, and online sources (most notably Worldcat, the Consortium of European Research Libraries thesaurus, Hathi trust, Google books, Gallica and structured data from Wikipedia).

The datasets in the database as of the launch of the online public interface in 2022 are:

The records of the sales, purchases and stocktakes of the Société typographique de Neuchâtel (covering the period 1769-1794), derived from the archives of the Societe typographique de Neuchatel in the Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Neuchâtel. This is an updated and repurposed version of the data published in the French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe database at
Records of print-runs and licences for editions granted permission to publish under the French Permission Simple licence 1777-1790. The original records are in the BNF, MS Fr. 22,018-22,019.
The records of the French national Estampillage exercise of 1778-1780, which records copies of pirated books stamped and legalised as part of an amnesty on pirated works. The records utilized were in the BNF, MS Fr. 21,831-21,834.
The records of auction sales of stock belonging to deceased or bankrupt Parisian booksellers between 1769 and 1787. The source material for this data is in BNF, MS Fr. 21,823, 21,824 and 22,037.
An inventory prepared in 1790 for the Parisian revolutionary authorities of books, mostly illegal and confiscated, discovered in the Bastille following its capture by revolutionary insurgents. The original records are found in the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, MS 6495 (Bastille inventory)
Books recorded in the Parisian confiscation registers, most of which were confiscated - or more accurately 'suspended'- during routine twice-weekly inspections at the Parisian chambre syndicale de la librairie et de l'imprimerie between 1770 and 1791. The records contain the reason why books were confiscated, a judgment and outcome in each case, and generally indicate the fate of the books in question. The confiscation registers themselves are held at BNF, MS Fr. 21,933 and 21,934, but the data they contained was cross referenced against another register at MS Fr. 21,935, the customs registers at MS Fr 21,914-21,926 and the registers of Permissions tacites at MS Fr 21,983-21984; 21,986-21,987 and 21,993
There are no special restrictions around the use of any of this data, subject to due acknowledgment where required, and the BNF's conditions of use of their digitized archival sources allow research use of the sort undertaken on the project.

Legacy data from the French Book Trade in Enlightenment Europe project (2007-2012) conducted under my leadership also appears in the database. IP over this project was transferred to Western Sydney University in 2013. The archive used in this project was the Archives de la Societe typographique de Neuchatel held at the Bibliotheque Publique and Universitaire de Neuchatel, who gave their written permission for the work and now use the FBTEE database as their standard reference point for researchers wishing to locate archival records, superceding the libraries own catalogue tools (which were used to seed the database).

Since 2022 there has been a database cohabitation arrangement with the University of Trier's ERC-funded 'Pamphlets and Patrons' (PAPA) project (CI Damien Tricoire), whereby both projects enter and share data in the same Heurist database. Both teams draw on the same pool of data about books and people, but the PAPA team using this data to map 'patronage relationships' whilst the MPCE project links them to 'Historic Bibliometric Events'.

696 'work' entity records give statistical details drawn from Robert Darnton's 'Corpus of clandestine literature in France, 1769-1789' (Norton, 1995). Whilst this does not exceed the 850 items of statistical data permissable under fair dealing arrangements, permission was also obtained as a courtesy from Professor Darnton for its inclusion in FBTEE data in 2012. The current database contains marginally more of Professor Darnton's data than its 2012 forerunner.
Date made available31 Dec 2022
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production1 Jan 2017 - 31 Dec 2022

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