Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences of Mycopsylla spp. (cytochrome oxidase I, Elongation Factor 1α and Histone 3) and their Psyllaephagus parasitoids (cytochrome b, 16S rDNA, 23S rDNA) in Australia and New Zealand

  • Caroline Fromont (Creator)
  • James Cook (Creator)
  • Markus Riegler (Creator)
  • Timothy L. Sutton (Creator)
  • Jane Degabriel (Creator)
  • Desi Quintans (Creator)
  • Court Campany (Creator)



The dataset contains alignments of sequences of Mycopsylla cytochrome oxidase I, Elongation Factor 1α and Histone 3 and their Psyllaephagus parasitoids cytochrome b, 16S rDNA, 23S rDNA that were used to build phylogenetic trees. Individuals from three Mycopsylla spp. and their parasitoids were collected in Australia and New Zealand in 2013 and 2014.\n\nFurther information can be found in the associated files:\n1. Insect_Collection_Details: In this table can be found, the insect species, the sample ID, the insect host plant, the location, the latitude and longitude as well as the date the insect collection was made\n2. Primer_Names: This table describes the primers used for amplification of the different gene fragments. CB1-CB2: Psyllaephagus cytochrome b, COIfor-UEA9: Mycopsylla cytochrome oxidase I, H3AF-H3AR: Mycopsylla Histone 3, EF1aF-EF1aR: Mycopsylla Elongation Factor 1α, 16S rDNA_F_Hym-16S rDNA_R_Hym: Psyllaephagus 16S rDNA, D2F-D2R: Psyllaephagus 23S rDNA\n
Date made available9 Aug 2016
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production1 Mar 2013 - 30 Nov 2014

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