Review on how to develop Parramatta and Central River City Region as a global city

  • Rhonda Itaoui (Creator)



This report draws on an online consultation that sought input from communities of the Greater Parramatta region. Throughout the consultation, community participants were able to contribute their current perceptions of the region, how they interact with the city and their vision for its future. The consultation was open to all community members who engage in Greater Parramatta across living, working, studying or playing/socialising in the area. The decision to consult with a diverse range of user groups beyond residents allowed us to capture the multiple purposes of the city and the diverse relationships communities have with the region and its spaces. In doing so, the consultation sought to capture the wide breadth of concerns and priorities across various user groups and thus plan for the ongoing dynamism of the region. Guided by the CfWS engagement values (see Figure 1), our consultation explored key questions, including: The community consultation took place for one month across September–October 2022. The consultation included two main online engagement methods, providing both quantitative and qualitative insights into community perspectives (see Figure 2). The insights gathered through these methods were coded according to key emerging themes in the data and analysed using descriptive statistics and a content analysis of key issues. Survey (n=105) Open and closed-answer questions documented how respondents interact with/perceive the city and their perceived strengths and areas for improvement in the region. Ideas wall (n=20) Participants pitched ideas and shared stories in response to 10 questions/prompts. Aiming to include a diversity of perspectives, targeted recruitment was undertaken across the Greater Parramatta region, including key suburbs such as Parramatta, Merrylands, Guildford, Granville, Auburn, Lidcombe and Rydalmere. While city plans are devised based on statutory boundaries, this engagement recognised that place is more fluid and people (and contemporary urban challenges) move and engage across the region in a variety of ways. By expanding the recruitment to various user groups, and targeting surrounding suburbs, the engagement sought to capture and plan for the diversity in functions, relationships and engagements that must be considered when envisioning the future of the region.
Date made available7 Nov 2023
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Temporal coverage1 Sept 2022 - 31 Oct 2022
Date of data production1 Sept 2022 - 31 Oct 2022
Geospatial polygon150.910223,-33.876865 150.910223,-33.770764 151.073601,-33.770764 151.073601,-33.876865 150.910223,-33.876865

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