Supplementary dataset for "Global leaf-trait mapping based on optimality theory "

  • Ning Dong (Creator)
  • Benjamin Dechant (Creator)
  • Han Wang (Creator)
  • Ian Wright (Creator)
  • Colin Prentice (Creator)



This repository contains the dataset used for “Global leaf-trait mapping based on optimality theory” The deposition consists of: Simulated TS SLA based on optimality theory from 1992 to 2015 Simulated TS Narea based on optimality theory from 1992 to 2015 Simulated TS Nmass based on optimality theory from 1992 to 2015 Climatology of SLA for global leaf trait maps used for comparison. Climatology of Na for global leaf trait maps used for comparison. Climatology of Nmass for global leaf trait maps used for comparison.
Date made available25 Nov 2022

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