The feasibility of integrating a combined stimulation and nutrition intervention into the current health system: a qualitative study dataset

  • Sophiya Dulal (Creator)



This dataset contains qualitative data collected in Nepal's Dhanusha district to investigate how stimulation interventions could be integrated into existing health and nutrition programmes. Data were collected between 16 February 2021 and 23 April 2021. The record consists of 30 semi-structured interviews (SSIs) (18 with caregivers, four with health service providers, one with a district stakeholder, four with national stakeholders, and three with policymakers) and four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) (two with Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVS) and two with members of the Health Facility Operation and Management Committee (HFOMC)).). All SSIs with the caregivers, health service providers, and FGDs were conducted in the local language Maithili by an experienced female researcher (KG) fluent in Maithili and Nepali, except for two SSIs (with a father and health coordinator) which were conducted in Nepali. A female researcher (SD) fluent in Nepali and English conducted all SSIs with stakeholders and policymakers in Nepali, except for one (with a national stakeholder) in English. For analysis, all data were translated into English.

This data contributes to the paper entitled "Exploring the feasibility of integrating health, nutrition, and stimulation interventions in Nepal's health system: a qualitative study."

You can access the pre-print at:
Date made available8 Mar 2023
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Date of data production16 Feb 2021 - 23 Apr 2021
Geographical coverageAustralia

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