- 20 results
Search results
Mr Luce Andrews
- Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Student Success - Lecturer Academy
Person: Researcher
Mrs Ellen Brackenreg
- Equity, Safety & Wellbeing - Executive Director, Equity, Safety & Wellbeing
Person: Researcher
Professor Maryanne Dever
- Office of the DVC Education - DVC & Vice-President, Education
Person: Researcher
Ms Cath Ellis
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Quality & Integrity - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Quality and Integrity
Person: Researcher
Doctor Naima Iftikhar
- Office of the PVC, Learning & Teaching - Lecturer, Learning and Teaching
Person: Researcher
Associate Professor Tai Peseta
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Quality & Integrity - Associate Professor, Learning and Teaching
Person: Researcher
Professor Alphia Possamai-Inesedy
- Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Student Success - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Student Success
Person: Researcher
Doctor Robert Salama
- Engagement & Partnerships - Director of Academic Program for The Academy
Person: Researcher
Ms Fiona Salisbury
- Executive Director's Unit, Library Services - Executive Director, Library Services
Person: Researcher
Professor Brian Stout
- Office of the PVC, Learning & Teaching - Pro Vice-Chancellor, Learning and Teaching
Person: Researcher
Doctor Jen Tindale
- Office of the PVC, Learning & Teaching - Senior Lecturer, Learning and Teaching
Person: Researcher
Ms Lisa Tyson
- Executive Director's Unit, Library Services - Executive Director, Library Services
Person: Researcher
Ms Lynnae Venaruzzo
- Office of the PVC, Learning & Teaching - Head of Technology Enabled Learning
Person: Researcher