Projects per year
- 7 Finished
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Treatment planning for the 21st Century - Electron Density: CT to MRI
Price, B. (PI), Stait-Gardner, T. (Investigator), Torres, A. (Investigator), Zheng, G. (Investigator), Panah, A. (Scholarship Recipient), Bosi, S. (Investigator) & Holloway, L. (Investigator)
1/03/15 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Evaluation of Hypoxia by MRI (i.e., tentative thesis title)
Price, B. (PI), Stait-Gardner, T. (Supervisor), Torres, A. (Supervisor), Zheng, G. (Supervisor) & Wijesekera, N. (Scholarship Recipient)
South Western Sydney Local Health District
1/01/15 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Development of a NMR Spectroscopy based Biomedical Research Platform Driven by Designing the Next Generation Water Signal Filtering Techniques.
Zheng, G. (PI), Price, B. (Advisor), Torres, A. (Advisor), Stait-Gardner, T. (Advisor) & Ghadirian, B. (Advisor)
9/12/13 → 9/12/14
Project: Research
Post-processing methods for dramatically improving NMR signals and its applications
Price, B. (PI), Ghadirian, B. (Investigator), Zheng, G. (Investigator), Stait-Gardner, T. (Investigator) & Torres, A. (Investigator)
2/03/12 → 1/03/13
Project: Research
Development of Advanced MRI Techniques for Clinical Imaging
Price, B. (PI), Zheng, G. (Investigator), Stait-Gardner, T. (Investigator), Torres, A. (Investigator), Dwihapsari, Y. (Scholarship Recipient) & Zubkov, M. (Scholarship Recipient)
15/11/10 → 28/02/15
Project: Research
NMR Diffusography
Price, B. (PI), Stait-Gardner, T. (Investigator), Torres, A. (Investigator), Zheng, G. (Investigator), Shalliker, A. (Investigator), Dennis, G. (Investigator) & Gaborieau, M. (Investigator)
28/05/10 → 27/05/11
Project: Research
Development of high performance NMR diffusion experiments for physiologically relevant applications
Zheng, G. (PI)
22/09/09 → 21/12/10
Project: Research