Projects per year
Search results
Advanced focused ion beam microscope with secondary ion mass spectrometer for trace element characterisation and nanomachining of hard and soft matter [via UoW]
Sheppard, L. (PI), Pereloma, E. (Investigator), Forsyth, M. (Investigator), Lang, C. (Investigator), Ivanova, E. (Investigator), Donne, S. (Investigator), Ye, L. (Investigator), Dou, S. X. (Investigator), Fu, J. (Investigator), Crosky, A. (Investigator), Birbilis, N. (Investigator), Nutman, A. (Investigator), Tieu, K. (Investigator), Nolan, D. (Investigator) & Gazder, A. (Investigator)
10/06/16 → 9/06/17
Project: Research
Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscope: A Critical Instrument for Expanding the Functionality of State-of-the-Art Oxide MBE System [via UNSW]
Sheppard, L. (PI), Li, S. (Investigator), Yu, A. (Investigator), Duty, T. (Investigator), Sahajwalla, V. (Investigator) & Wang, D. (Investigator)
1/01/13 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Epitaxial Growth Facility for Advanced Materials [via UNSW]
Sheppard, L. (PI), Dzurak, A. (Investigator), Li, S. (Investigator), Hamilton, A. (Investigator), Davies, G. (Investigator), Bremner, S. (Investigator), Reilly, D. (Investigator), Liu, Z. (Investigator), Lewis, R. (Investigator), Guo, Z. (Investigator) & Zhao, Y. (Investigator)
18/05/12 → 17/05/13
Project: Research
A State-of-the-art Magnetic Property Measurement Facility for the Development of Advanced Materials and Biomedical Technologies in the Sydney Basin [via UNSW]
Sheppard, L. (PI), Ling, C. (Investigator), D'Alessandro, D. (Investigator), Jiang, X. (Investigator), Li, S. (Investigator), Amal, R. (Investigator), Kepert, C. (Investigator), Zhang, C. (Investigator), Zheng, R. (Investigator), Kennedy, B. (Investigator), Sahajwalla, V. (Investigator), Guo, Z. (Investigator) & Klose, F. (Investigator)
16/03/12 → 15/03/13
Project: Research
A Comprehensive Magneto-Thermophysical Property Measurement System for the Development of Advanced Materials, Energy and Biomedical Technologies [via UNSW]
Sheppard, L. (PI), Nowotny, M. (Investigator), Li, S. (Investigator), Zheng, R. (Investigator), Liu, H. K. (Investigator), Kennedy, B. (Investigator), Sahajwalla, V. (Investigator), Jiang, X. (Investigator), Guo, Z. (Investigator), Tsuzuki, T. (Investigator), Chen, Y. (Investigator) & Conibeer, G. (Investigator)
1/01/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Improving Solar Energy Utilisation by Splitting Water with Visible Light
Sheppard, L. (PI) & Kisailus, D. (Investigator)
1/01/11 → 31/01/15
Project: Research
Facilities of thermophysical characterisations at nanometre scale for development of advanced materials, energy technologies and biomedical components [via UNSW]
Nowotny, J. (PI), Sheppard, L. (Investigator), Li, S. (Investigator), Green, M. (Investigator), Zheng, R. (Investigator), Avdeev, M. (Investigator), Guo, Q. (Investigator), Yang, R. (Investigator), Zhao, Y. (Investigator), Zhang, C. (Investigator) & Guo, Z. (Investigator)
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Energy and water efficient greenhouse design and operation
Bellotti, B. (PI), Allen, J. (Investigator) & Sheppard, L. (Investigator)
28/10/09 → 27/05/10
Project: Research
An Innovative Solid-State Approach to Enhanced Solar-Hydrogen Production
Sheppard, L. (PI) & Wachsman, E. (Investigator)
1/01/09 → 31/03/14
Project: Research
Solar Technologies Group - Transition Project
Nowotny, J. (PI) & Sheppard, L. (Investigator)
2/10/08 → 1/10/09
Project: Research