6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Associate Professor Liz Thyer with the persons below:
Doctor Caterina Tannous
- School of Health Sciences - Academic Program Advisor Undergraduate Health Sciences
Person: Researcher
Associate Professor Paul Simpson
- School of Health Sciences - Associate Professor in Paramedicine
Person: Researcher
Doctor Yu-Ting Sun
- School of Health Sciences - Academic Program Advisor, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Person: Researcher
Doctor Robin Pap
- School of Health Sciences - Director of Academic Program, Paramedicine
Person: Researcher
Doctor Nicole Peel
- School of Health Sciences - Director of Academic Program, Undergraduate Health Sciences
Person: Researcher
Doctor Belinda Kenny
- School of Health Sciences - Associate Professor, Speech Pathology
Person: Researcher