6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Professor Nicky Morrison with the persons below:
Associate Professor Genevieve Steiner-Lim
- NICM Health Research Institute - NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow
Person: Researcher
Doctor Diana Karamacoska
- NICM Health Research Institute - Research Support Program Fellow - Healthy Ageing: Healthy Brain Ageing and Dementia Prevention
Person: Researcher
Doctor Vanita Yadav
- Urban Transformations Research Centre - Research/Senior Research Fellow People Centred Sustainable Precinct Design
Person: Researcher
Associate Professor Joyce Siette
- MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour & Development - Research Theme Senior Fellow - Health and Wellbeing Theme
Person: Researcher
Professor Sebastian Pfautsch, GAICD
- School of Social Sciences - Professor in Urban Management and Planning
Person: Researcher