6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Doctor Waldo Garrido with the persons below:
Doctor Sandra Garrido
- MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour & Development - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Researcher
Doctor Tegan Daylight
- School of Humanities and Communication Arts - Lecturer, Creative Writing
Person: Researcher
Doctor James Jiang
- School of Humanities and Communication Arts - Editor, Sydney Review of Books
Person: Researcher
Associate Professor Diana Blom
- School of Humanities and Communication Arts - Associate Professor
Person: Researcher
Doctor Margarite Poulos
- School of Humanities and Communication Arts - Academic Program Advisor, First Year Arts
Person: Researcher
Professor Robert Mailhammer
- School of Humanities and Communication Arts - Professor
Person: Researcher