���“ne�和�续体(Yu qi ci “ne� yu chi xu yi)

Translated title of the contribution: The particle The particle “ne� and the durative aspectœneâ€Â� and the durative aspect

Guo Wu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    提 要 语气词“呢” 和“在”、“着”是汉语表示持续义的手段(吕叔湘1980,陆俭明1999)。本文本文通过对王朔“顽主”中表持续的“呢” 和“在”、“着” 使用情况的封闭性统计,探讨它们在语篇中表达持续义的机制和特点。本文提出,作为指明事态存在,提请听话人注意的话语标记(Wu 2005), “呢” 所表示的持续义并非其固有的意义,而是其强调事态存在的伴随义;并进一步讨论“呢” 的持续义与 “在” 和“着”的持续义在语法、语用上的不同。
    Translated title of the contributionThe particle The particle “ne� and the durative aspectœneâ€Â� and the durative aspect
    Original languageChinese (Simplified)
    Number of pages24
    JournalHanyu Yanjiu yu Yingyong = Chinese language research and application
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Chinese language
    • discourse analysis
    • durative aspect
    • language and languages
    • linguistics
    • particles

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