A blended learning approach to enhance learning and teaching of fluid mechanics : an example demonstrating success

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


    ![CDATA[Fluid Mechanics is a core subject in civil, mechanical, chemical and aeronautical engineering undergraduate courses. This subject needs a relatively strong background in mathematics and physics, which is not well satisfied for a good number of students enrolled to fluid mechanics subject in Australian universities. This paper presents a case study on teaching and learning of fluid mechanics at University of Western Sydney (UWS), Australia. In UWS, fluid mechanics was rated as a high-failure subject based on the data over a decade. More recently, UWS has adopted a Blended Learning Approach (BLA) to teach fluid mechanics to its undergraduate classes. In the adopted BLA, various learning materials have been made available to the students such as online recorded lectures, online recorded tutorials, hand written tutorial solutions, discussion board and online practice quizzes. Based on the data of over 734 students over 4-year period, it has been shown in this paper that a BLA has improved the learning experience and success rate of the fluid mechanics students in UWS. The findings of this paper would be useful in adopting a BLA to other subjects to enhance the learning of fluid mechanics and similar subjects.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on New Horizons in Education, June 10-12, 2015, Barcelona, Spain, Volume 1/4
    PublisherSakarya University
    Number of pages7
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventInternational Conference on New Horizons in Education -
    Duration: 10 Jun 2015 → …

    Publication series

    ISSN (Print)2146-7358


    ConferenceInternational Conference on New Horizons in Education
    Period10/06/15 → …


    • fluid mechanics
    • blended learning


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