A comprehensive review of the research on local scour below subsea pipelines under steady currents and waves

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This paper presents a comprehensive review of studies of local scour below subsea pipelines. The review covers a variety of topics including onset of scour, scour depth, scour time scale, three-dimensional scour, pipeline sagging, multiple pipelines, scour protection, pipeline self-burial, scour-vibration interaction, scaling effects and cohesive sediment. Scour has been much more investigated by two-dimensional (2D) experimental and numerical studies than three-dimensional (3D). The fundamental mechanisms of 2D scour have been fully understood and many empirical formulae have been developed for predicting the scour depth under various conditions including current, waves, combined wave-current and vibrating pipelines. Some important research gaps are identified as a result of the review. 3D scour has not been sufficiently studied and more experimental data are required to support the methods that have been proposed or will be proposed. In addition, scaling effects, scour protection and self-burial have been reported but they are not sufficiently investigated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120114
Number of pages21
JournalOcean Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2025


  • Machine learning
  • Numerical method
  • Piggyback
  • Pipeline
  • Protection
  • Sagging
  • Scaling effect
  • Scour
  • Self-burial
  • Spoiler
  • Three-dimensional scour
  • Vibrating


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