A new design proposal for secondary composite beam shear connection incorporating trapazoidal steel decking

Stefan Ernst, Russell Q. Bridge, A. T. Wheeler

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    An extensive experimental program was undertaken to investigate the behaviour of secondary composite beam shear connections incorporating trapezoidal steel decking. Based on the test results, a new design proposal to determine the shear connection strength was developed, which also incorporates the application of stud reinforcing devices that have been found to significantly improve the behaviour of the shear connection. The new proposal has been coupled with a reliability analysis that has been calibrated to provide a safety index similar to stud applications currently in use. Simple strength reduction factors for the types of trapezoidal steel decking available in Australia are presented, and can be applied to the current shear connection strength as given in AS 2327.1 (Standards Australia, 2003) for a fast and simplified design.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    JournalAustralian Journal of Structural Engineering
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • composite construction
    • design and construction
    • structural engineering
    • structural design
    • steel, structural
    • decking materials


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