A new triangular layered plate element for the non-linear analysis of reinforced concrete slabs

Y. X. Zhang, M. A. Bradford, R. I. Gilbert

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4 Citations (Scopus)


A new 3-node, 18-DOF triangular layered plate element is developed in this paper for the geometric and material non-linear analysis of isotropic plates and reinforced concrete slabs under service loads. The proposed model is a combination of Allman’s 3-node, 9-DOF triangular membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom and the refined non-conforming 3-node, 9-DOF triangular plate-bending element RT9 in order to account for the coupling effects between membrane and bending actions. The element is modelled as a layered system of concrete and equivalent smeared steel reinforcement layers, and perfect bond is assumed between the concrete layers and the smeared steel layers. The maximum normal stress criterion is employed to detect cracking of the concrete, and a smeared fixed crack model is assumed. Both geometric non-linearity with large displacements but moderate rotations and material non-linearity, which incorporates tension, compression, concrete cracking and tension stiffening, are included in the model. An updated Lagrangian approach is employed as a solution strategy for the non-linear finite element analysis and a numerical example of reinforced concrete slab is given to demonstrate the efficacy of this robust element.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)699-709
Number of pages11
JournalCommunications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Lagrangian functions
  • concrete
  • concrete slabs
  • cracking
  • reinforced concrete


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