A study of guided wave propagation in timber pole using spectral finite element method

Mahbube Subhani, Jianchun Li, Bijan Samali

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[Timber is one of the most widely used structural material all over the world. Round timbers can be seen as a structural component in historical buildings, jetties, short span bridges and also as piles for foundation and poles for electrical and power distribution. To evaluate the current condition of these cylindrical type timber structures, guided wave has a great potential. However, the difficulties associated with the guided wave propagation in timber materials includes orthotropic behaviour of wood, moisture contents, temperature, grain direction, etc. In addition, the effect of fully or partially filled surrounding media, such as soil, water, etc. causes attenuation on the generated stress wave. In order to investigate the effects of these parameters on guided wave propagation, extensive numerical simulation is required to conduct parametric studies. Moreover, due to the presence of multi modes in guided wave propagation, dispersion curves are of great importance. Even though conventional finite element method (FEM) can determine dispersion curves along with wave propagation in time domain, it is highly computationally expensive. Furthermore, incorporating orthotropic behaviour and surrounding media to model a thick cylindrical wave (large diameter cylindrical structures) make conventional FEM inefficient for this purpose. In contrast, spectral finite element method (SFEM) is a semi analytical method to model the guided wave propagation which does not need fine meshes compared to the other methods, such as FEM or finite difference method (FDM). Also, even distribution of mass and stiffness of structures can be obtained with very few elements using SFEM. In this paper, the suitability of SFEM is investigated to model guided wave propagation through an orthotropic cylindrical waveguide with the presence of surrounding soil. Both the frequency domain analysis (dispersion curves) and time domain reconstruction for a multi-mode generated input signal are presented under different loading location. The dispersion curves obtained from SFEM are compared against analytical solution to verify its accuracy. Lastly, different numerical issues to solve for the dispersion curves and time domain results using SFEM are also discussed.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT 2016), 13-17 June 2016, Munich, Germany
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)9781510829497
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventWorld Conference on Non-Destructive Testing -
Duration: 13 Jun 2016 → …


ConferenceWorld Conference on Non-Destructive Testing
Period13/06/16 → …

Open Access - Access Right Statement

License to NDT.net. Copyright© (2016) by the authors. All rights reserved. License: CC-BY 3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/


  • nondestructive testing
  • spectral finite element method
  • stress waves
  • timber
  • wood poles


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