A study protocol for assessing nurses knowledge of the five moments for hand hygiene (5MHH) program

Louisa Sasko, Kathleen Dixon, Sheree Smith

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background and Aim: Influenza poses is a significant burden on patients and health care facilities. An Australian study found influenza causes 18,000 admissions to hospitals per year. During hospitalisation a key evidenced based intervention in preventing further influenza transmission and infection of healthcare workers is hand hygiene. This protocol outlines a study that aims to determine Australian Registered Nurses (RNs) level of knowledge of the “five moments for hand hygiene” within acute hospital settings. Methods: A prospective cross sectional research design study of RNs within a Local Health District (LHD) will be employed. The validated WHO Hand Hygiene knowledge questionnaire will form the basis of the cross sectional survey. A sample size of 354 has been estimated and surveys will be disseminated to all ward areas across 6 hospitals within a LHD. Results: Levels of 5MHH knowledge will be determined and stratified by area of practice and nurse qualification level. Specifically individual knowledge gaps pertaining to the 5MHH elements (1) before touching a patient, (2) before a procedure, (3) after a procedure or body fluid exposure risk (4) after touching a patient (5) after touching a patient’s surroundings, will be identified. Conclusion: This study will be the first to establish the 5MHH knowledge of Australian registered nurses. Identification of significant gaps in knowledge will assist in forming relevant and targeted 5MHH educational strategies to improve hand hygiene and reduce the transmission of respiratory infections.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)266-266
Number of pages1
Issue numberS3
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • care and hygiene
  • hand
  • nurses


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