Action without reaction : a Mongolian border intervention

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    For academics, activists and artists with means – various as they are – to global mobility, an encounter with national border inspections is, in many senses, a routine experience in which passage to the next destination is rarely refused. It is all too easy for social networks immanent to digital communications media to hold a delirious sense of unconstrained possibility – a condition which needs to be carefully untangled from the notion of organisation without ends. Within the upper echelons of the symbolic economy, individuals trade so often in ideas that amount to nothing beyond selfgratification and the possibility of career enhancement. Is this the same as organisation without ends? The staging of a border action is one instantiation of how limits might operate as an experiential resource for thinking the organisation of organisation without ends. A network without limits is a network of inaction. But what happens when the relationship between determinacy and indeterminacy occupies a space of indistinction? And to what extent can a border zone – defined precisely in its distinction from the freedom of movement – be understood in terms of indistinction?
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    JournalEphemera : theory & politics in organization
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • action theory
    • Mongolia
    • boundaries
    • voyages and travels


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