Active Ageing, Wellness, and Falls Prevention for Older Women: A Scoping Study Conducted on Behalf of the Older Women's Network NSW Inc. for the Statewide Women's Health Network

Jane Mears, Sonia Laverty, Pat Bazeley

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The Older Women’s Network (OWN), over the past 20 years, has established a number of Groups and Wellness Centres that encourage and make it possible for older women in their communities to access and participate in a range of social, educational, physical and intellectual activities. The Statewide NSW Women’s Health Network has been active in promoting falls prevention measures, especially exercise programs, for older women. These two groups came together in mid-2012 to work on developing a three-year program of research, beginning with a scoping study to be undertaken in 2012-13, that would explore the potential of OWN Wellness Centres as a suitable site for extended falls prevention programs for older women. This report is a report from the Year 1 scoping study. The proposal for the follow on research, for years 2 and 3, is attached (Appendix 6).
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney
Commissioning bodyNepean-Blue Mountains Medicare Local
Number of pages65
ISBN (Print)9781741083668
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • falls (accidents)
  • health
  • older women


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