Adaptive tutorials versus web-based resources in radiology : a mixed methods analysis of efficacy and engagement in senior medical students

Stuart W. T. Wade, Michelle Moscova, Nicodemus Tedla, Daniel A. Moses, Noel Young, Merribel Kyaw, Gary M. Velan

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Rationale and Objectives: Radiology education is suited to delivery via e-learning which may be used to fill gaps in knowledge and help prepare medical students for internship. There is limited evidence of effectiveness of adaptive tutorials, a form of e-learning in a senior medical student cohort. Materials and Methods: A randomized mixed methods crossover trial was performed to assess effectiveness of adaptive tutorials on engagement and understanding of appropriate use and interpretation of basic imaging studies. Eighty-one volunteer medical students from years 5 and 6 of a 6-year program were randomly allocated to one of two groups. In the first phase of the trial on head CT, one group received access to adaptive tutorials and the other to peer-reviewed web-based resources. A cross over was performed and the second phase of the trial addressing chest CT commenced. Examination style assessments were completed at the end of each phase. At the trial's conclusion, an online questionnaire was provided to evaluate student perceptions of engagement and efficacy of each educational resource. Results: Adaptive tutorial groups in both phases achieved higher mean scores than controls which were statistically significant in the first phase only. Students reported higher engagement and overall perceived value of the adaptive tutorials than controls. Conclusion: Adaptive tutorials are overwhelmingly supported by senior medical students. Questionnaire responses suggest the engaging nature of the tutorials efficiently aids participation and knowledge retention which is in principle supported by test results.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1421-1431
Number of pages11
JournalAcademic Radiology
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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