An Evaluation of Concerns, Self-perceived Needs, and Supportive Interventions, for Informal Cancer Carers: A Comparative Study of Female and Male Carers

Jane Ussher, Phyllis Butow, Gerard Wain, Kendra Sundquist, Gill Batt, Janette Perz, Emilee Gilbert, Mirjana Sandoval, Helen Hadlow

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This groundbreaking project, a collaboration between Gender, Culture and Health Research: PsyHealth, at UWS; Medical Psychology Research Unit, Sydney University; Westmead Hospital; Cancer Council New South Wales; and Carers New South Wales, had the following aims: 1. To explore the concerns, self-perceived needs, and psychological well-being of primary informal carers for a person with cancer (cancer carers) living in New South Wales, systematically comparing the experience of male and female carers, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative measures, across group comparisons, and individual case studies. 2. To examine the differential pathways to distress in male and female cancer carers. 3. Based on these findings, to develop a program of supportive interventions targeted at the needs of male and female cancer carers, and then to systematically evaluate their relative efficacy, within a controlled trial: 3 different modes of intervention were compared. 4. A systematic review of the existing literature evaluating interventions for cancer carers was conducted.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherUniversity of Western Sydney
Number of pages200
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • cancer
  • caregivers


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