An interview with Peter Skrzynecki in Of Human Experience: The Life and Poetry of Peter Skrzynecki

Peter Skrzynecki, Lorne Johnson

Research output: Creative WorksTextual Works


Tell me about your writing process: My approach has always been spontaneous. When the moment comes, everything else is dropped. It takes over. It is very quick, it's pen to paper. I know I've got it when I've got to the end. I let it be, I get my breathe back and then I'm ready I go back and do drafts until I've got the rhythm right, the sound right, until I've recaptured that moment of where the poetry came from, where the inspiration came from.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSeven Hill, N.S.W.
PublisherBoraga Academic
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • authorship
  • immigrants
  • landscapes in literature
  • interviews
  • Australian poetry

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