Analysis of delamination of unimorph cantilever piezoelectric energy harvesters

Shan Zeng, Chunwei Zhang, Kaifa Wang, Baolin Wang, Li Sun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


Unimorph piezoelectric energy harvesters are typically a unimorph cantilever beam located on a vibrating host structure. Delamination is one of the major failure modes of such unimorph cantilevers and therefore is studied in this article. The delaminated cantilever unimorph is modeled with one through-width crack using four Euler beams connected at delamination edges. The governing equations, the corresponding boundary conditions, and the kinematic continuity conditions are derived based on the Hamiltonian principle. The solutions of the voltage and power output for the present model are derived. The influence of the position and the length of the delamination, frequency of input base excitation, and load resistance on the voltage and power output are discussed in detail. The results show that delamination in the unimorph of the energy harvester will impressively decrease the voltage and power outputs. Influences of the delamination located at the free end of the cantilever are more obvious. For a given active length of the delaminated cantilever energy harvester, it is useful to increase the overall length of the cantilever to obtain a higher voltage and power outputs.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1875-1883
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • cantilever beams
  • delamination
  • energy harvesting
  • piezoelectricity


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