Analysis of magnetoelastic interaction of cantilever conductive thin plate with nonlinear dynamic response

Jian-Ping Zhang, Zhi-Jiang Yan, Quan-Fei Ding, Helen Wu, Wei-Guo Pan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    7 Citations (Scopus)


    For the limiter blade of nuclear fusion reactor under complex magnetic field, a cantilever conductive thin plate was taken as its simplified structure. Under the circumstances of considering the in-plane magnetic volume forces and geometric nonlinear effects, and based on electromagnetic and mechanical basic laws and equations for conductive media, a theoretical model was established to describe the geometric nonlinear vibration problems of conductive thin plate under the coupling effects of mechanics-electricity-magnetism, the magnetoelastic coupling dynamic response under the common effects of lateral time-changing magnetic field and in-plane uniform magnetic field was studied, and the quantitative simulation was given to eddy current, defection and magnetic forces of the conductive thin plate with the changes of external magnetic field. The numerical results demonstrate that, when the in-plane magnetic volume force and geometric nonlinear effects is taken into account at the same time, the impact of geometric nonlinearity is getting bigger and bigger and the effects of in-plane magnetic volume forces become increasingly evident with the increase of lateral magnetic field, and that the geometric nonlinear effects and the magnetic viscous damping caused by coupling effects will strengthen with the increase of in-plane uniform magnetic field.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)132-138
    Number of pages7
    JournalEuropean Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • cantilever conductive thin plate
    • deflection
    • geometric nonlinearity
    • in-plane magnetic volume forces
    • magnetic field
    • magnetoelastic interactions
    • vibration


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