Anticipatory processing and post-event processing in social anxiety disorder : an update on the literature

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29 Citations (Scopus)


Two repetitive thinking processes that have been proposed in prominent maintenance models of social anxiety disorder (SAD) are anticipatory processing and post-event processing. Research into these two processes has steadily increased over the last 20 years. This review highlights the main lines of existing research on anticipatory processing and post-event processing, including studies on the nature of these processes, their association with social anxiety, the predictors, and consequences of these processes, as well as how these processes respond to treatments for SAD. The review also highlights some of the conceptual and methodological issues that have prevented the literature on anticipatory processing and post-event processing from being more integrated and focused. Finally, the review draws together some new directions in terms of theory and research to further advance the field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)105-113
Number of pages9
JournalAustralian Psychologist
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • anxiety
  • social phobia


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