Architecture and performance of the KM3NeT front-end firmware

Sebastiano Aiello, Arnauld Albert, Sergio A. Garre, Zineb Aly, Fabrizio Ameli, Michel Andre, Giorgos Androulakis, Marco Anghinolfi, Mancia Anguita, Gisela Anton, Miquel Ardid, Julien Aublin, Christos Bagatelas, Giancarlo Barbarino, Bruny Baret, Suzan Basegmez Du Pree, Anastasios Belias, Meriem Bendahman, Edward Berbee, Ad M. van den BergVincent Bertin, Vincent van Beveren, Simone Biagi, Andrea Biagioni, Matthias Bissinger, Markus Boettcher, Jihad Boumaaza, Mohammed Bouta, Mieke Bouwhuis, Cristiano Bozza, Horea Branzas, Ronald Bruijn, Jurgen Brunner, Ernst-Jan Buis, Raffaele Buompane, Jose Busto, Barbara Caiffi, David Calvo, Antonio Capone, Victor Carretero, Paolo Castaldi, Silvia Celli, Mohamed Chabab, Nhan Chau, Andrew Chen, Silvio Cherubini, Vitaliano Chiarella, Tommaso Chiarusi, Marco Circella, Rosanna Cocimano, Joao A. B. Coelho, Alexis Coleiro, Marta Colomer Molla, Stephane Colonges, Rosa Coniglione, Imanol Corredoira, Paschal Coyle, Alexandre Creusot, G. Cuttone, Antonio D’Amico, Antonio D'Onofrio, Richard Dallier, Mauro De Palma, Irene Di Palma, Antonio F. Diaz, Didac Diego-Tortosa, Carla Distefano, Alba Domi, Roberto Dona, Corinne Donzaud, Damien Dornic, Manuel Doerr, Doriane Drouhin, Thomas Eberl, Ahmed Eddyamoui, Thijs van Eeden, Daan van Eijk, Imad El Bojaddaini, Dominik Elsaesser, Alexander Enzenhoefer, Victor Espinosa Rosell, Paolo Fermani, Giovanna Ferrara, Miroslav D. Filipovic, et al.

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The KM3NeT infrastructure consists of two deep-sea neutrino telescopes being deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. The telescopes will detect extraterrestrial and atmospheric neutrinos by means of the incident photons induced by the passage of relativistic charged particles through the seawater as a consequence of a neutrino interaction. The telescopes are configured in a three-dimensional grid of digital optical modules, each hosting 31 photomultipliers. The photomultiplier signals produced by the incident Cherenkov photons are converted into digital information consisting of the integrated pulse duration and the time at which it surpasses a chosen threshold. The digitization is done by means of time to digital converters (TDCs) embedded in the field programmable gate array of the central logic board. Subsequently, a state machine formats the acquired data for its transmission to shore. We present the architecture and performance of the front-end firmware consisting of the TDCs and the state machine.
Original languageEnglish
Article number16001
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of Astronomical Telescopes , Instruments , and Systems
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Open Access - Access Right Statement

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