Assessing the physiological sensitivity of amphibians to extreme environmental change using the stress endocrine responses

Edward J. Narayan

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


The thermodynamic response of corticosterone secretion in amphibians can provide insights into the sublethal effects of environmental temperature on amphibian-stress physiology. Details on the plasticity of corticosterone release could be obtained from glucocorticoid thermal reaction norms or even simply by assessing the variation in the individual responses to handling stress once acclimated to a temperature. This would give information on the phenotypic response (corticosterone release after a stressor) produced by the anuran genotype at different environmental conditions. It would also be worthwhile to use model anurans to investigate the impact of acute thermal changes using stress responses to mild handling stressors. Ultimately, the plasticity in corticosterone responses of amphibians with respect to thermal variability could be determined, expanding knowledge of how different amphibian species respond to and cope with increasing environmental temperatures. Furthermore, it has not been yet tested whether variability in temperature increases the severity of chytrid fungus infections. Hence, temperature variability could be the underlying link among climate change, disease risk, and amphibian declines. One way to address this significant gap will be via integrated, controlled studies on corticosterone stress responses of different species of frogs from different locations under different temperature gradients. Glucocorticoids, in particular corticosterone, have important effects on key physiological mechanisms, including immune function and metabolism. Hence, plasticity in corticosterone stress responses of different amphibian species will provide estimates of general responses to change and must be an important factor in the conservation and management of threatened amphibian species. Phenotypic plasticity in stress hormone responses under the influence of extreme environmental change could be important for animals for physiological resilience and persistence. Therefore, patterns of glucocorticoid thermal reaction norms will be important in quantifying species sensitivity under novel environments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAmphibian and Reptile Adaptations to the Environment: Interplay Between Physiology and Behavior
EditorsDenis Vieira de Andrade, Catherine R. Bevier, Jose Eduardo de Carvalho
Place of PublicationU.S.
PublisherCRC Press
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9781482222067
ISBN (Print)9781482222043
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • amphibians
  • elevated temperatures
  • climatic changes
  • stress (physiology)


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