Assessment of negative Poisson's ratio effect on thermal post-buckling of FG-GRMMC laminated cylindrical panels

Hui-Shen Shen, Y. Xiang

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This paper examines the thermal post-buckling behaviors of graphene-reinforced metal matrix composite (GRMMC) laminated cylindrical panels which possess in-plane negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) and rest on an elastic foundation. A panel consists of GRMMC layers of piece-wise varying graphene volume fractions to obtain functionally graded (FG) patterns. Based on the MD simulation results, the GRMMCs exhibit in-plane NPR as well as temperature-dependent material properties. The governing equations for the thermal post-buckling of panels are based on the Reddy’s third order shear deformation shell theory. The von Kármán nonlinear strain-displacement relationship and the elastic foundation are also included. The nonlinear partial differential equations for GRMMC laminated cylindrical panels are solved by means of a singular perturbation technique in associate with a two-step perturbation approach and in the solution process the boundary layer effect is considered. The results of numerical investigations reveal that the thermal post-buckling strength for (0/90)5T GRMMC laminated cylindrical panels can be enhanced with an FG-X pattern. The thermal post-buckling load-deflection curve of 6-layer (0/90/0)S and (0/90)3T panels of FG-X pattern are higher than those of 10-layer (0/90/0/90/0)S and (0/90)5T panels of FG-X pattern.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-435
Number of pages13
JournalAdvances in Nano Research
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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