Australian aged care and the new international paradigm

John McCallum, Rosemary Calder, Susan Adamzcuk, Tamo Nakamura, Rosalind A. Bye, Julie Walsh, Simon Moy

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    There is a need to recognise the benefits of the new community focused paradigm in the face of an ageing population with increasing life span and increasing expectations. Decisions now have to be made in the face of a number of policy drivers: increasing capacity and preference for independent living in the community among older people, a rapidly changing interface with acute care, the need to strategically direct new funds to deal with the ageing population, and the need to deliver services more appropriately and effectively within current service mix and expenditure levels. The benefits of a focus on the new international paradigm will be cost effective services with emphasis on quality of care driven by increased self determination, autonomy and choice for older people.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAustralasian Journal on Ageing
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • aging
    • health facilities
    • aged care
    • institutional care
    • community


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