Barrett Oesophagitis: From Squamous to Columnar

This Medical Life, Tristan Rutland (Other), Milan Bassan (Other)

Research output: Creative WorksAudio or Visual Works


Since recorded history, heartburn has been a common complaint and the descriptions from ancient physicians are virtually indistinguishable from today’s accounts. However, one thing we do know that they did not is a small subset of patients whose long standing heartburn could predispose them to a precancerous condition known as Barrett oesophagitis.

Barrett oesophagitis is caused by chronic gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with a number of known risk factors for developing this. These patients require regular monitoring +/- intervention as they have an increased rate of developing oesophageal adenocarcinoma. For this episode we have called in some specialists to help us out. Our guests include: Dr Tristan Rutland – Anatomical Pathologists who specialises in Gastrointestinal Pathology and Dr Milan Bassan – Gastroenterologist who is Head of the endoscopic department at Liverpool Hospital.

Our guests include:

Dr Tristan Rutland – Anatomical Pathologists who specialises in Gastrointestinal Pathology
Dr Milan Bassan – Gastroenterologist who is Head of the endoscopic department at Liverpool Hospital

Original languageEnglish
PublisherThis Medical Life
EditionPodcast Episode 36
Media of outputOnline
Size53 min., 43 sec.
Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2023


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