Beyond dialysis - Telehealth initiatives

J. Chow, P. Donaldson, D. Fortnum, S. Frasca, K. Grimley, C. Hyde, M. Manche, C. Mcnaught, R. Simmonds

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Background In August 2009, Australia's HOME Network was established as a national initiative to engage and empower health care professionals working in the home dialysis specialty. The aim was to develop solutions to advocate for and ultimately increase the use of home dialysis across Australia. Emerging telehealth (technology) initiatives were identified as potential facilitators for home dialysis. Aim The aim of this paper is to develop a Position Paper on Telehealth for Renal Dialysis that is based on a review of the latest developments in telehealth services in home dialysis and other clinical areas within Australia. Methods In early 2014, the HOME Network Technology Working Group conducted a literature review to determine the opportunities for telehealth utilisation in home dialysis. Prior to considering how to advance the use of telehealth in home dialysis within Australia, the HOME Network members undertook a survey to collate information on how many home training units in Australia were using telehealth opportunities and to determine what hurdles there may be to the initiation of telehealth utilisation. Results There are limited publications about telehealth used in Australia to advance patient care in home dialysis. However, innovations have been reported informally as emerging from a number of home dialysis programs/units around Australia. Conclusion The information reported in this paper will support and drive greater collaboration with respect to the use of telehealth, and a broader awareness about the possibilities available that allow us to provide better support to all Australian home dialysis patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-25
Number of pages8
JournalRenal Society of Australasia Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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