Beyond Numbers: Valuing Quality Teaching in Business Education. Volume 2, Case Studies

Jenny Kent, Fiona Rohde, Marie Kavanagh, Graeme Mitchell, Beth Tennent

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Volume 2 documents the individual institutional experiences of the Beyond numbers: valuing quality teaching project. Five universities participated in the project through their respective project team member. Each member of the team wrote the story of their institution’s involvement in the project and each of these has been presented as an institutional ‘case study’. Each story begins by providing background information about the university and the business organisational unit that is core to the study. This context statement is followed by a summary of the findings of the preliminary staff and student focus groups conducted at each institution. The focus group information was utilised to decide on the appropriate strategy or strategies for enhancing perceptions of quality teaching which could most appropriately be trialled at each institution. Each story continues with an outline of the chosen trial activity or activities and discussion of the implementation. Lessons learnt from the trial activities and suggestions for sustainability of the initiatives are also presented.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSurry Hills, N.S.W.
PublisherAustralian Learning & Teaching Council
Number of pages72
ISBN (Print)9781921856945
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

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  • business education
  • education\
  • higher


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