Beyond the discipline : mapping and developing WIL across transdisciplinary curricula

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


![CDATA[Rapid changes to the world of work means new university graduates will enter career paths that are unlikely to be linear, and students therefore require a diverse set of skills to maintain employability. One way to develop these skills is to move beyond a discipline and engage students in a transdisciplinary curriculum that introduces opportunities to ‘creatively…transform and apply knowledge and skills across multiple disciplinary contexts’ (Barrie, 2020). Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is ideally placed as the pedagogical tool to allow students to do this. While WIL is often framed in a disciplinary context, multidisciplinary activities can allow students to develop key future work skills (Piggott, 2020). To give all students the opportunity to learn skills outside their discipline we developed two transdisciplinary minors with a STEM theme, but utilising subjects from different disciplines. We then examined how WIL was developed across the individual subjects. Through analysis of subject learning materials and focused interviews with subject coordinators we mapped WIL activities occurring in each subject to a recently developed WIL activity rubric (Jones, 2019). We found that similar WIL activities occurred across the different subjects, even though they were framed in different contexts. Mapping across each minor allowed us to identify gaps where we could utilise industry partners to enhance and broaden WIL activities. By identifying WIL activities occurring in the minors and then making them explicit to students we have unlocked the potential of WIL to allow students to apply their knowledge in diverse disciplinary contexts.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationACEN Conference Beyond 2022: Creating the Future with WIL, 24-25 October 2022, Melbourne, Australia
PublisherThe Australian Collaborative Education Network
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2022
EventThe Australian Collaborative Education Network. Conference -
Duration: 1 Jan 2022 → …


ConferenceThe Australian Collaborative Education Network. Conference
Period1/01/22 → …


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