Bilateral activation of the trigeminothalamic tract by acute orofacial cutaneous and muscle pain in humans

Paul G. Nash, Vaughan G. Macefield, Iven J. Klineberg, Sylvia M. Gustin, Greg M. Murray, Luke A. Henderson

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    45 Citations (Scopus)


    The conscious perception of somatosensory stimuli is thought to be located in the contralateral cerebral cortex. However, recent human brain imaging investigations in the spinal system report bilateral primary somatosensory cortex (SI) activations during unilateral noxious stimuli and that this ipsilateral spinal representation may be independent of transcallosal connections. In the trigeminal system, there is primate evidence for an ipsilateral somatosensory pathway through the thalamus to the face SI. However, the organization of the trigeminal nociceptive pathway in the human is not clear. The aim of this study was to determine whether noxious stimuli applied to the face are transmitted to the cerebral cortex by bilateral pathways. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare ipsilateral and contralateral activation of the thalamus, SI and secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) during muscle and cutaneous orofacial pain and innocuous facial stimulation in healthy human subjects. We found that both muscle and cutaneous noxious stimuli, from injections of hypertonic saline into the right masseter or overlying skin, evoked bilateral increases in signal intensity in the region encompassing the ventral posterior thalamus as well as the face region of SI and SII. In contrast, innocuous unilateral brushing of the lower lip evoked a strict contralateral ventroposterior thalamic activation, but bilateral activation of SI and SII. These data indicate that, in contrast to innocuous inputs from the face, noxious information ascends bilaterally to the face SI through the ventroposterior thalamus in humans.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages10
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • face
    • pain
    • skin
    • somatosensory cortex
    • thalamus
    • trigeminal nerve


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