Breaking the cycle of reoccurring low back pain with integrated motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy to facilitate education and exercise advice: a superiority randomised controlled trial study protocol

Estelle D. Watson, Paul W. Marshall, Natalie M.V. Morrison, Niamh Moloney, Paul O’Halloran, Martin Rabey, Imran Khan Niazi, Kirk Stevens, Michael Kingsley

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Background: Non-specific low back pain is a common and costly global issue. Many people with low back pain live for years with ongoing symptom recurrence and disability, making it crucial to find effective prevention strategies. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an evidence-based patient-centred counselling style that helps motivate individuals to change their behaviours. In combination, MI and cognitive-behavioural therapy (MI-CBT) has the potential to yield long term improvements in pain and disability and reduce incidence of recurrence. 

Method: This is a two-arm superiority randomised controlled trial comparing MI-CBT and Education (n = 83) with Education only (n = 83). Participants that have recovered from a recent episode of non-specific low back pain (7th consecutive day with pain ≤ 2 on a 0–10 numeric pain rating scale) will be eligible for inclusion into the study. Both groups will receive five 30-min sessions over a 10-week period as well as the Navigating Pain booklet, homework book and a standardised exercise programme. In the intervention group, MI-CBT techniques will be used to provide individualised support, identify beliefs, and increase engagement with the resources provided. Outcomes measures include pain (current and in the last 7 days) as rated on the numeric pain rating scale. This will be used to determine recurrence (number of participants who report back pain ≥ 3 out of 10 on the numeric pain rating scale). Furthermore, self-reported (1) pain intensity; (2) pain catastrophizing; (3) fear-avoidance beliefs; (4) pain self-efficacy; (5) depression and anxiety; (6) disability will be measured. All outcomes will be measured at baseline, and again at 3-, 6-, and 12-months post allocation. 

Discussion: The effective delivery of self-management strategies to prevent recurrence of low back pain is an important aspect that requires urgent attention. This study will provide new information on the effectiveness of using an MI-CBT approach to facilitate self-management through education and exercise to improve low back pain outcomes. Evidence emerging from this trial has the potential to inform clinical practice and healthcare management of non-specific low back pain. 

Trial registration: Prospectively registered with Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12623000746639 (10/07/2023).

Original languageEnglish
Article number2415
Number of pages9
JournalBMC Public Health
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.


  • Motivational interviewing; Cognitive behavioural therapy; Low back pain


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