Burnside Museum: The 'Beating Heart' of the Agency: Re-development Report

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Since its inception in 1997, the Burnside Museum has undergone a number of changes in terms of its aims, objectives and strategic direction. Instituted as the Burnside Heritage Centre, the complex was intended to be a conference venue, archive, meeting room and an exhibition showcasing the history of the agency. Initially resources and staff were committed to the project but over the years due to funding and other priorities within the agency, namely the provision of core services, the Museum has been in decline. Currently the Museum exists primarily as an exhibitions space. Moreover the permanent exhibition has not changed in any substantive way since opening in August 1997. Staff responsible for the Museum recognise these issues and problems and have commissioned this report in an effort to redefine the Museum as a living and dynamic space, one that is more fully integrated into the life of the agency.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney, N.S.W.
PublisherCameron Associates Curatorial Consultants
Number of pages57
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • Burnside Museum (N.S.W.)
  • museum exhibits
  • museums
  • New South Wales


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