Can research methods ever be interesting?

Angela Benson, Deborah A. Blackman

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This article reflects upon a process of curriculum redesign undertaken with an aim to improve the student learning experience of research methods via an activity-based approach. Historically, the way in which research methods were being taught within Southampton Business School did not fully engage student interest, and it was not well applied to further study of the subsequent modules including the dissertation. The article discusses the changes that were made to the module, which led to a developmental and experiential programme. The learners appear to be better prepared for their subsequent research and indicate that this approach better facilitated their understanding of the subject. Future developments will include collecting more empirical evidence to support the offering of this activity-based approach throughout the Southampton Business School.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages17
    JournalActive Learning in Higher Education
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • research
    • methodology
    • learning strategies
    • curriculum change
    • dissertations, academic
    • Southampton Business School


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