Captive propagation of the endangered native Fijian frog Platymantis vitiana : implications for ex-situ conservation and management

Edward Narayan, Ketan Christi, Craig Morley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present research and management implications for captive propagation of the endangered Fijian Ground Frog Platymantis vitiana to develop methods for supplementing populations in the Wild. In 2004, a captive propagation program Was instituted at Kula Ecopark, Sigatoka, Fiji. However, there Was little success With only a single froglet reared after three years. In 2006, a more intensive programme Was undertaken between the University of The South Pacific (USP), Kula Ecopark and the community on Viwa Island. the aim of This programme Was to create an outdoor enclosure to mimic natural habitat conditions so the frogs could exhibit natural breeding behaviour. A total of 39 froglets Was reared after one year of this programme. We provide information on the methods of captive management, reproductive biology, captive diet varieties, and on problems of rearing froglets in captivity. This research is useful baseline information in guiding captive propagation techniques in zoological parks like the Kula Ecopark and for organizations such as the National trust of Fiji.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)47-55
Number of pages9
JournalPacific Conservation Biology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Fiji
  • Fiji ground frog
  • Platymantis
  • breeding
  • captive frogs
  • reproductive biology


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