Care of a newborn with an omphalocele

Veronica Lam, Kaye Spence

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    An omphalocele is characterised by a central defect at the site of the umbilical ring which normally occurs in the tenth week of gestation. Omphalocele is the result of failure or incomplete return of the gut into the abdominal cavity. The area of the omphalocele may vary in size, may not occur alone or may be associated with other abnormalities. The rate of successful omphalocele repair dramatically increased in the 20th century. The better management of an omphalocele has been brought about not only by the improvement of the surgical technique but also by advances in nursing care. This paper presents a case study which discusses the embryology, differential diagnosis and surgical management of an infant with an omphalocele with emphasis on the nursing care of the infant and family.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalNeonatal\, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • hernia, umbilical
    • fetus
    • development
    • pediatric nursing
    • omphalocele
    • newborn infants


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