Care of Adult Patients in Acute Care Facilities with a Tracheostomy

Kaye D. Rolls, Kelvin Smith, Julia Maclean, Klint Goers, Melissa Holdsworth, Catherine Johnson, Gwen Hickey, Claire Dain, Gai Shylan, Marianne Matea, Mary Dunford

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Adult patients with a tracheostomy tube are a vulnerable patient group because of changes to their airway. Additionally, their care may be highly complex involving a number of clinicians across different healthcare specialties; highlighting the need for good communication, coordination, team functioning and documentation. In 2009, the Clinical Excellence Commission released a report that found that patients with a tracheostomy were experiencing significant adverse events as a result of deficits in their care. Specifically, these deficits were related to the competencies of clinical staff and lack of appropriate action especially after hours. The guideline has been developed using a multi-stage process to ensure that: Ӣ the recommendations reflect best available evidence and current accepted standards of clinical practice Ӣ the scope of practice of all healthcare professionals (HCP) involved in the care of the patient has been considered Ӣ broad consultation with all HCP Ӣ recommendations are flexible and applicable across all acute care settings.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationChatswood, N.S.W.
PublisherAgency for Clinical Innovation (N.S.W.)
Number of pages101
ISBN (Print)9781741878608
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

© Agency for Clinical Innovation 2013


  • tracheotomy
  • patients
  • adulthood
  • clinical practice guideline


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