CFD-DEM numerical study on air impacted packing densification of equiaxed cylindrical particles

Dazhao Gou, Wei Fan, Bin Zhou, Xizhong An, Runyu Yang, Kejun Dong, Ruiping Zou, Haitao Fu, Hao Zhang, Xiaohong Yang, Qingchuan Zou

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3 Citations (Scopus)


A CFD-DEM model was developed to reproduce the packing densification process of mono-sized equiaxed cylindrical particles under air impact. The effects of operating parameters on packing density were firstly studied. Then various microscopic properties of packing structures such as coordination number (CN), contact types, particle orientations, pore features were characterized and compared. And corresponding densification mechanisms were analysed based on particle motion behaviour, local structure evolution, and forces. Results indicate that the air impact can realize the packing densification of cylindrical particles under appropriate conditions. The pore size distribution in the packing of cylindrical particles shows a tail at larger pore sizes compared with that in the packing of equal spheres. Both the size and the sphericity of the pores decrease in the final dense packing; also, more surface-surface and less surface-edge contacts between two particles therein can be formed. More cylindrical particles tend to be in parallel or perpendicular contact with each other to form more stable local structures during air impact. Most particles at higher position move down (direction of gravity/air impact) with about one particle length during the densification process and most particles exhibit translational motion to realize the local rearrangement for pore filling through air impact induced inter-particle forces.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103641
Number of pages11
JournalAdvanced Powder Technology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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