Changes in fungiform papillae density during development in humans

Maryam Correa, Ian Hutchinson, David G. Laing, Anthony L. Jinks

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The anterior region of the human tongue ceases to grow by 8-10 years of age and the posterior region at 15-16 years. This study was conducted with 30 adults and 85 children (7-12 year olds) to determine whether the cessation of growth in the anterior tongue coincides with the stabilization of the number and distribution of fungiform papillae (FP) on this region of thetongue. This is important for understanding when the human sense of taste becomes adult in function. This study also aimed to determine whether a small subpopulation of papillae could be used to predict the total number of papillae. FP were photographed and analyzed using a digital camera. The results indicated that the number of papillae stabilized at 9-10 years of age, whereas the distribution and growth of papillae stabilized at 11-12 years ofage. One subpopulation of papillae predicted the density of papillae on thewhole anterior tongue of 7-10 year olds, whereas another was the best predictor for the older children and adults. Overall, the population, size, and distribution of FP stabilized by 11-12 years of age, which is very close tothe age that cessation of growth of the anterior tongue occurs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)519-527
    Number of pages9
    JournalChemical Senses
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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