Cholesterol and oxysterol metabolism and subcellular distribution in macrophage foam cells : accumulation of oxidized esters in lysosomes

Andrew J. Brown, Erin L. Mander, Ingrid C. Gelissen, Leonard Kritharides, Roger T. Dean, Wendy K. Jessup

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    93 Citations (Scopus)


    Cholesterol- and cholesteryl ester-rich macrophage foam cells, characteristic of atherosclerotic lesions, are often generated in vitro using oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL). However, relatively little is known of the nature and extent of sterol deposition in these cells or of its relationship to the foam cells formed in atherosclerotic lesions. The purpose of this study was to examine the content and cellular processing of sterols in OxLDL-loaded macrophages, and to compare this with macrophages loaded with acetylated LDL (AcLDL; cholesteryl ester-loaded cells containing no oxidized lipids) or 7-ketocholesterol-enriched acetylated LDL (7KCAcLDL; cholesteryl ester-loaded cells selectively supplemented with 7-ketocholesterol (7KC), the major oxysterol present in OxLDL). Both cholesterol and 7KC and their esters were measured in macrophages after uptake of these modified lipoproteins. Oxysterols comprised up to 50% of total sterol content of OxLDL-loaded cells. Unesterified 7KC and cholesterol partitioned into cell membranes, with no evidence of retention of either free sterol within lysosomes. The cells also contained cytosolic, ACAT-derived, cholesteryl and 7-ketocholesteryl esters. The proportion of free cholesterol and 7KC esterified by ACAT was 10-fold less in OxLDL-loaded cells than in AcLDL or 7KCAcLDL-loaded cells. This poor esterification rate in OxLDL-loaded cells was partly caused by fatty acid limitation. OxLDL-loaded macrophages also contained large (~40–50% total cell sterol content) pools of oxidized esters, containing cholesterol or 7KC esterified to oxidized fatty acids. These were insensitive to ACAT inhibition, very stable and located in lysosomes, indicating resistance to lysosomal esterases. Macrophages loaded with OxLDL do not accumulate free sterols in their lysosomal compartment, but do accumulate lysosomal deposits of OxLDL-derived cholesterol and 7-ketocholesterol esterified to oxidized fatty acids. The presence of similar deposits in lesion foam cells would represent a pool of sterols that is particularly resistant to removal.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Lipid Research
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


    • atherosclerosis
    • cholesterol
    • low density lipoproteins
    • macrophages
    • oxidation
    • proteins


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